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Thread/Comment Routes

GET /api/thread/getByPlan/:plan_id

Return all threads and their comments(user name populated) of a plan.

OutputThread[]all threads and their comments(user name populated) of a plan

Sample Output

"resolved": false,
"_id": "624f8bb1ccbfa9214879a4fa",
"plan_id": "623659ddb8316b8b54f77815",
"location_type": "Semester",
"location_id": "623659ddb8316b8b54f77820Intersession",
"__v": 0,
"comments": [
"visible_user_id": [
"date": "2022-04-07T17:36:58.451Z",
"_id": "624f8bb1ccbfa9214879a4fc",
"commenter_id": {
"_id": "juniorDev",
"name": "Junior Dev"
"message": "huh????",
"thread_id": "624f8bb1ccbfa9214879a4fa",
"__v": 0
"visible_user_id": [
"date": "2022-04-07T17:36:58.451Z",
"_id": "624f9157ccbfa9214879a563",
"commenter_id": {
"_id": "juniorDev",
"name": "Junior Dev"
"thread_id": "624f8bb1ccbfa9214879a4fa",
"message": "why...",
"__v": 0
"resolved": false,
"_id": "625049cdde54f04374785d72",
"plan_id": "623659ddb8316b8b54f77815",
"location_type": "Semester",
"location_id": "623659ddb8316b8b54f7781aFall",
"__v": 0,
"comments": [
"visible_user_id": [
"date": "2022-04-08T14:19:58.194Z",
"_id": "625049cdde54f04374785d74",
"commenter_id": {
"_id": "juniorDev",
"name": "Junior Dev"
"message": "new thread!",
"thread_id": "625049cdde54f04374785d72",
"__v": 0

POST /api/thread/new

Create a new thread and a comment pointing to that thread.

BodythreadObjectThe object must have all the required fields of the Thread schema.
commentObjectThe object must have all the required fields of the Comment schema.
OutputCommentThe newly created Comment object(note a new Thread is also created)

Sample Output

"_id": "625053fbde54f04374785e6e",
"visible_user_id": [
"date": "2022-04-08T14:19:58.194+00:00",
"commenter_id": "user1",
"message": "Hi how are you?",
"thread_id": "625053fbde54f04374785e6c"

POST /api/thread/reply

Add a new comment(reply) to a specific thread.

BodycommentObjectThe object must have all the required fields of the Comment schema.
OutputCommentThe newly created Comment object(note a new Thread is not created)

Sample Output

"_id": "625053fbde54f04374785e6e",
"visible_user_id": [
"date": "2022-04-09T14:19:58.194+00:00",
"commenter_id": "user2",
"message": "I'm good! How about you?",
"thread_id": "625053fbde54f04374785e6c"

PATCH /api/thread/resolve

Resolve a thread.

Bodythread_idStringThe object_id of the thread to resolve.
OutputThreadresolved field changed to True

Sample Output

"_id": "625053fbde54f04374785e6c",
"plan_id": "62505477de54f04374785e93",
"location_type": "Course",
"location_id": "62505477de54f04374da9379",
"resolved": true

PATCH /api/comment

Edit a specific comment.

Bodycomment_idStringThe Object_id of the comment to edit
messageStringThe new comment content.
OutputCommentThe updated comment object

Sample Output

"_id": "625053fbde54f04374785e6e",
"visible_user_id": [
"date": "2022-04-09T14:19:58.194+00:00",
"commenter_id": "user2",
"message": "Just changed the message~",
"thread_id": "625053fbde54f04374785e6c"

DELETE /api/comment

Delete a specific comment.

Bodycomment_idStringThe Object_id of the comment to delete
OutputCommentThe deleted comment object

Sample Output

"_id": "625053fbde54f04374785e6e",
"visible_user_id": [
"date": "2022-04-09T14:19:58.194+00:00",
"commenter_id": "user2",
"message": "I'm good! How about you?",
"thread_id": "625053fbde54f04374785e6c"

DELETE /api/thread

Delete a thread and all comments of that thread.

Bodythread_idStringThe Object_id of the comment to edit
OutputCommentThe deleted thread object

Sample Output

"_id": "625053fbde54f04374785e6c",
"plan_id": "62505477de54f04374785e93",
"location_type": "Course",
"location_id": "62505477de54f04374da9379",
"resolved": true