Popup Slice
The slice holding information about the current popup being shown.
type PopupSlice = {
deletePlan: boolean;
addPlan: boolean;
toAddName: string;
toAddMajor: Major | null;
generateAdd: boolean;
deleteYear: boolean;
yearToDelete: Year | null;
deleteCourse: boolean;
courseToDelete: { course: UserCourse; year: number } | null;
showCourseInfo: boolean;
courseToShow: UserCourse | null;
addingPrereq: boolean;
Property | Type | Description |
deletePlan | boolean | Whether or not the user is currently deleting a plan |
addPlan | boolean | Whether or not the user is currently adding a plan |
toAddName | string | The name of the plan the user is adding |
toAddMajor | Major | null | The major of the plan the user is adding |
generateAdd | boolean | Used to start plan generation |
deleteYear | boolean | Whether or not the user is currently deleting a year |
yearToDelete | Year | null | The year the user is deleting |
deleteCourse | boolean | Whether or not the user is currently deleting a course |
courseToDelete | { course: UserCourse; year: number } | null | The information of the course the user is deleting |
showCourseInfo | boolean | Whether or not the application is currently showing course info |
addingPrereq | boolean | Whether or not the user is adding a prereq from the course display |
Reducer | Action Payload Type | State Affeccted |
updateGeneratePlanAddStatus | boolean | generateAdd |
updateDeleteYearStatus | boolean | deleteYear |
updateYearToDelete | Year | null | yearToDelete |
clearToAdd | toAddName , toAddMajor | |
updateAddingPlanStatus | boolean | addPlan |
updateToAddName | string | toAddName |
updateToAddMajor | Major | toAddMajor |
updateDeletePlanStatus | boolean | deletePlan |
updateDeleteCourseStatus | boolean | deleteCourse |
updateCourseToDelete | { course: UserCourse; year: Year } | null | courseToDelete |
updateShowCourseInfo | boolean | showCourseInfo |
updateCourseToShow | UserCourse | null | courseToShow |
``updateAddingPrereq | boolean | addingPrereq |
Used to update whether a new plan is being created or not.
Component | Description |
GenerateNewPlan | Resets generateAdd to false after adding a new plan |
HandleUserEntryDummy | Sets generateAdd to true after user login promise in afterPromise helper |
HandleUserEntryDummy | Sets generateAdd to true for guest/existing users in handleExistingUser helper |
Used to display the DeleteYearPopup component.
Component | Description |
YearSettingsDropdown | Sets deleteYear to true in activateDeleteYearPopup helper to delete a year from dropdown settings |
DeleteYearPopup | Resets deleteYear to false in activateDeleteYear helper a successful delete request to API |
DeleteYearPopup | Resets deleteYear to false in cancel helper to cancel deleting a year |
Component | Description |
GenerateNewPlan | Resets toAddName and toAddMajor properties after a new plan is successfully generated |
Component | Description |
HandleUserEntryDummy | Sets addPlan property to true when a new guest user is created that doesn't have a plan |
HandleUserEntryDummy | Sets addPlan property to true if there are no preexisting plans retrieved in processRetrievedPlans helper |
HandleUserEntryDummy | Sets addPlan property to false after importing a shared plan's years in addImportedYears helper |
HandleUserEntryDummy | Sets addPlan property to false in handleFinishAdding helper |
PlanChoose | Sets addPlan property to true in handlePlanChange helper |
PlanAdd | Sets addPlan property to false in createNewPlan helper |
PlanAdd | Sets addPlan property to false in createCancel helper |
Component | Description |
HandleUserEntryDummy | Updates toAddName property in afterPromise helper |
HandleUserEntryDummy | Updates toAddName property in handleExistingUser helper |
PlanAdd | Updates toAddName property in handleNameChange event handler helper |
Component | Description |
HandleUserEntryDummy | Updates toAddMajor property in afterPromise helper |
HandleUserEntryDummy | Updates toAddMajor property in handleExistingUser helper |
PlanAdd | Updates toAddName property in handleMajorChange event handler helper |
Component | Description |
ActionBar | Sets deletePlan property to true in activateDeletePlan helper |
DeletePlanPopup | Sets deletePlan property to false in deleteCurrentPlan helper |
DeletePlanPopup | Sets deletePlan property to false in cancel helper |
Component | Description |
CourseComponent | Sets deleteCourse property to true in deleteCourse helper |
DeleteCoursePopup | Sets deleteCourse property to false in actiavteDeleteCourse helper |
DeleteCoursePopup | Sets deleteCourse property to false in cancel helper |
Component | Description |
CourseComponent | Updates courseToDelete property in deleteCourse helper |
DeleteCoursePopup | Updates courseToDelete property to null in actiavteDeleteCourse helper |
DeleteCoursePopup | Updates courseToDelete property to null in cancel helper |
Component | Description |
CourseComponent | Sets showCourseInfo property to true in displayCourses helper |
CourseDisplayPopup | Sets showCourseInfo property to false in postAddCourse helper |
CourseDisplayPopup | Sets showCourseInfo property to false on button click |
SisCourse | Sets showCourseInfo property to false in addPrereq helper |
Component | Description |
CourseComponent | Updates courseToShow property in displayCourses helper |
CourseDisplayPopup | Updates courseToShow property to null in handlePostAddCourse helper |
CourseDisplayPopup | Updates courseToShow property to null on button click |
SisCourse | Updates courseToShow property to null in addPrereq helper |
Component | Description |
Semester | Sets addingPrereq property to false in handlePostResponse helper |
AddingPrereqPopup | Sets addingPrereq property to false on button click |
SisCourse | Sets addingPrereq property to true in addPrereq helper |
Selector | Property |
selecteGeneratePlanAddStatus | generateAdd |
selecteDeleteYearStatus | deleteYear |
selectYearToDelete | yearToDelete |
selectDeletePlanStatus | deletePlan |
selectAddingPlanStatus | addPlan |
selectToAddName | toAddName |
selectToAddMajor | toAddMajor |
selectCourseToDelete | courseToDelete |
selectDeleteCourseStatus | deleteCourse |
selectShowCourseInfo | showCourseInfo |
selectCourseToShow | courseToShow |
selectAddingPrereq | addingPrereq |
Component | Description |
GenerateNewPlan | When toggled to true , generates a new plan and sends appropriate requests to API |
HandleUserEntryDummy | Used in conditional for plan importing and creation |
Component | Description |
index | Condition for rendering DeleteYearPopup component |
Component | Description |
DeleteYearPopup | Used for information in the popup confirmation. Used in activateDeleteYear helper to send a delete request to API |
Component | Description |
index | Condition for rendering DeletePlanPopup component |
Component | Description |
index | Condition for rendering PlanAdd popup component |
Component | Description |
PlanAdd | Used as default input value for new plan name |
GenerateNewPlan | Used to change the name of the new plan being as it is generated |
Component | Description |
PlanAdd | Used in createNewPlan helper, displaying an error if toAddMajor is null |
GenerateNewPlan | Used to create Major distributions for for generating new plans, also as a conditional |
Component | Description |
index | Condition for rendering DeleteCoursePopup component |
DeleteCoursePopup | Used to determine which course to delete in activateDeleteCourse helper |
No references. Deprecated?
Component | Description |
index | Condition for rendering CourseDisplayPopup component |
SisCourse | Used in conditionals for getAddPrereqButton , getAddCourseUI , and getAddCourseButton helpers |
Component | Description |
CourseDisplayPopup | Used to many different helpers to display course information (e.g. title, year, credits, etc) |
PrereqDisplay | Used in getNonStringPrereq helper to determine year to check |
Placeholder | Used for updating courses in updateCourse and handleUpdateResponse helpers |
SisCourse | Used for updating courses in updateCourse and handleUpdate helpers |
Component | Description |
index | Condition for displaying AddingPrereqPopup component |
Semester | Condition for displaying button for addCourse helper |
YearComponent | Used for formatting CSS of Semester components inside YearComponent |