User Slice
The slice holding information about the current user and their plans. Also holds cached courses.
type UserSlice = {
currentUser: User;
planList: Plan[];
courseCache: SISRetrievedCourse[];
cacheNumbers: String[];
unfoundNumbers: String[];
retrievedAll: boolean;
Property | Type | Description |
currentUser | User | Encapsulation of information involving a user |
planList | Array of Plan | The list of all plans a user has |
courseCache | Array of SISRetrievedCourse | Encapsulation of a course based on SIS information |
cacheNumbers | Array of String | Seems to help with determining if a course is cached or not |
unfoundNumbers | Array of String | Seems to help with determining if a course is cached or not - if it is not then pull from database |
retrievedAll | boolean | Helps with deciding if all courses for a search have already been cached if not pull from database |
Reducer | Action Payload Type | State Affected |
updateUser | User | currentUser |
updatePlanList | Array of Plan | planList |
updateGuestPlanIds | Array of String | currentUser |
updateCourseCache | Array of SISRetrievedCourse | cacheNumbers , courseCache |
updateUnfoundNumbers | String | unfoundNumbers |
updateAllCoursesCached | Array of SISRetrievedCourse | courseCache |
updateRetrievedAll | Boolean | retrievedAll |
resetUser | None | currentUser and planList |
Used to update the currentUser object
Component | Description |
HandleUserEntryDummy | Used in login Update user information when logging in |
HandleUserEntryDummy | Used in useEffect when trying to retrieve user information |
HandleUserEntryDummy | Used in handleExistingUser if user already exists |
DashboardEntry | Used in initialLogin if completely new user |
DashboardEntry | Used in fetchUser when retrieving user info based on url |
DashboardEntry | Used in handleGuest when user is a guest |
Used to update the array of plans
Component | Description |
HandleUserEntry | Used in processRetrievedPlans and processYears when there's no initial plan |
HandleUserEntry | Used in handleFinishAdding after plan was imported |
HandleUserEntry | Used in getPlans after sorting the plans |
CourseList | Used in swapCourse after courses in a Plan were changed |
Semester | Used in handlePostResponse after posting a new plan to the data base |
YearSettingsDropdown | Used in handleYearChange after a year was updated |
ActionBar | Used in updateName after plan's name was changed |
ActionBar | Used in addNewYear afer a new year was added to a plan |
PlanChoose | Used in handlePlanChange after switching to a different plan |
CourseDisplayPopup | Used in handlePostAddCourse after a new course was added to a plan |
DeleteCoursePopup | Used in activateDeleteCourse after a course was deleted |
DeletePlanPopup | Used in deleteCurrentPlan after a plan was deleted |
CourseDisplay | Used in updateDistributions after distribution requirements were met |
GenerateNewPlan | Used in useEffect after a new plan was generated |
Used to update the currentUser's ids if they are a guest
Component | Description |
GenerateNewPlan | Used in useEffect when making a new plan and if the user is a guest |
Used to update which courses have been cached
Component | Description |
App | Used in useEffect when a new SIS course was added |
HandleUserEntryDummy | Used in cache when caching all courses in a plan |
Form | Used in find when successfully finds a course so need to cache it |
Form | Used in performSmartSearch when searching courses with filters so need to cache it |
assets | Used in getCourse after retrieving a course from the api |
Used to update the cache numbers that were not able to be retrieved
Component | Description |
assets | Used in getCourse if failed to retrieve from data base |
Component | Description |
App | Used in retrieveData after receiving all SIS courses |
Component | Description |
App | Used in retrieveData after receiving all SIS courses and sets boolean to true |
Component | Description |
UserSection | Used to reset the user when going back to the login page |
Selectors | Property |
selectUser | currentUser |
selectPlanList | planList |
selectCourseCache | courseCache |
selectRetrievedAll | retrievedAll |
selectUnfoundNumbers | unfoundNumbers |
Component | Description |
App | Used in useEffect to check what specifically to render based if the user exists or not |
HandleUserEntryDummy | Used in useEffect to either make or get plans from a user based on if they are a guest or not |
UserSection | Used to help determine if the person is a guest or not |
Semester | Used to help determine if the person is a guest or not |
ActionBar | Used to help determine if the person is a guest or not |
PlanChoose | Used in PlanChoose to help determine if the person is a guest or not |
DashboardEntry | Used in useEffect to help determine if the person exists and then log ins based on that |
CourseDisplayPopup | Used in addCourse to help determine if the person is a guest or not |
DeleteCoursePopup | Used the user's id to generate a new plan |
DeletePlanPopup | Used to help determine if a plan should be deleted |
DeleteYearPopup | Used the user's id to generate a new plan |
CourseDisplay | Used in updateDistributions to help determine if the person is a guest or not |
GenerateNewPlan | Used to help with developing the plan based on user's information |
Component | Description |
HandleUserEntryDummy | Used in handleFinishAdding after courses finsihed importing so need to update the plans |
CourseList | Used in swapCourse to help update the current plan (index 0) in the list |
Semester | Used in handlePostResponse by replacing the plan in the list with the same id |
YearSettingsDropDown | Used in handleYearChange by updating the current plan with the new one |
ActionBar | Used in updateName by replacing the plan in the list with the same id |
PlanChoose | Used in handlePlanChange by switching elements in the array so the new plan is the current one |
CourseDisplayPopup | Used in handlePostAddCourse in updating the current plan in the list based on the id |
DeleteCoursePopup | Used in activateDeleteCourse by updating list after deleting course |
DeletePlanPopup | Used in deleteCurrentPlan to see if can delete, can't delete if there is only one plan |
PlanAdd | Used in handleCancel and sees if a user has any plans before cancelling, must have one |
CourseDisplay | Used in updateDistributions when needing to update the current plan |
GenerateNewPlan | Used in useEffect if needing to generate a new plan so need to add to list |
Component | Description |
App | Used in useEffect in checking if any courses are cached yet |
InfoMenu | Used in useEffect when trying to update the distributions |
CourseComponent | Used in useEffect when checking prerequisites of a course |
CouseList | Used in getSISCourse to send back the SIS course based on user's cache |
FineDistribution | Used in useEffect when needing to update the fine distributions |
CourseDisplayPopup | Used in useEffect when needing to display the information of a course |
PrereqDisplay | Used in useEffect when a new course needs to get the pre reqs, in display when displaying prereqs, and in updateInspected by making a function that can update the cache |
Form | Used in find when given a search query to help with finding courses |
Component | Description |
Form | Conditional in determining if all courses have been retrieved from the database yet |
N/A Depreciated?