Current Plan Slice
The slice holding information about the current search, primarily for the search popup and relevant children. Holds information such as current searchterm, retrieved courses, and filters.
type searchStates = {
searching: boolean;
searchTerm: string;
searchTime: TimeBundle;
filters: FilterObj;
retrievedCourses: SISRetrievedCourse[];
retrievedVerions: number[];
inspectedVersion: Course | "None";
inspectedCourse: SISRetrievedCourse | "None";
placeholder: boolean;
searchStack: { sis: SISRetrievedCourse; ver: Course }[];
Property | Type | Description |
searching | boolean | Indicates whether or not the application is actively searching |
searchTerm | string | The current user query for searching |
searchTime | TimeBundle | The time the user is currently searching in |
filters | FilterObj | The active filters being applied to the serach |
retrievedCourses | SISRetrievedCourse[] | The current list of unfiltered courses matching the query |
retrievedVerions | number[] | The list of correct versions fo the retrieved coruses list |
inspectedVersion | Course | "None" | The version of the course being currently inspected in the popup |
inspectedCourse | SISRetrievedCourse | "None" | The course being currently inspected in the popup |
placeholder | boolean | Whether or not a placeholder is being added |
searchStack | Array of { sis: SISRetrievedCourse; ver: Course } | The stack used to track prereq navigation |
Relevant Types
type searchStates = {
searching: boolean;
searchTerm: string;
searchTime: TimeBundle;
filters: FilterObj;
retrievedCourses: SISRetrievedCourse[];
retrievedVerions: number[];
inspectedVersion: Course | "None";
inspectedCourse: SISRetrievedCourse | "None";
placeholder: boolean;
searchStack: { sis: SISRetrievedCourse; ver: Course }[];
type searchStackUpdate = {
new: SISRetrievedCourse;
oldSIS: SISRetrievedCourse;
oldV: Course;
Reducer | Action Payload Type | State Affected |
updateSearchTime | TimeBundle | searchTime.searchYear, searchTime.searchSemester |
updateSearchTerm | String | searchTerm |
updateSearchStatus | boolean | searching |
updateInspectedCourse | SISRetrievedCourse | "None" | inspectedVersion, inspectedCourse |
updateInspectedVersion | Course | "None" | inspectedVersion |
clearSearch | filters, searchTerm, searchTime, searching, inspectedCourse, retrievedCourses, searchStack | |
updateRetrievedCourses | SISRetrievedCourse[] | retrievedCourses |
updatePlaceholder | boolean | placeholder |
updateSearchFilters | { filter: FilterType; value: any } | Properties of filter |
updateSearchStack | searchStackUpdate | searchStack , inspectedCourse , inspectedVersion |
popSearchStack | searchStack , inspectedCourse , inspectedVersion |
Component | Description |
Semester | Used in addCourse to set initial semester and years |
SisCourse | Used in handleYearChange to adjust target year and semester |
GenerateNewPlan | Used in useEffect for generating a new plan |
Component | Description |
Form | Used in handleSeachTerm to update the search term based on use input |
Component | Description |
Semester | Used in addCourse to update searching state |
Search | Used as an onclick callback to close the search popup |
Component | Description |
CourseDisplayPopup | Used in useEffect to display correct inspected course |
CourseCard | Used in handleCourseClick to inspect a course on click |
Placeholder | Used in clearInspected to clear the inspected course |
Component | Description |
CourseDisplayPopup | Used in useEffect to display correct inspected course version |
CourseDisplayPopup | Used in useEffect to display correct inspected course version for placeholders |
CourseCard | Used in handleCourseClick to display correct course after user click |
SearchList | Used in onPlaceholderClick to display placeholder course info |
Placeholder | Used in onPTChange to update placeholder course info |
Placeholder | Used in onPCChange to update placeholder course info |
Placeholder | Used in onPNChange to update placeholder course info |
Placeholder | Used in onPDChange to update placeholder course info |
Placeholder | Used in onPTagChange to update placeholder course info |
SisCourse | Used in handleTermSwitch to switch the inspected course version |
Component | Description |
Semester | Used in addPrereq to clear search after adding prereq |
Semester | Used in handlePostResponse to clear search after a successful post |
CourseDisplayPopup | Used in handlePostAddCourse to clear search after a successful post after course add |
CourseDisplay | Used in addCourse after a course is added |
Component | Description |
Form | Used in useEffect for searching to clear courses if filters/queries are empty |
Form | Used in useEffect for searching extras |
Form | Used in handleFinishFinding after processing newly found courses |
Form | Used in performSmartSearch after api search request |
Component | Description |
CourseDisplayPopup | Used in useEffect for showing a non-placeholder course |
CourseDisplayPopup | Used in useEffect for showing a placeholder course |
CourseDisplayPopup | Used in handlePostAddCourse after updating a non-placeholder course |
CourseCard | Used in handleCourseClick to show a non-placeholder course |
SearchList | Used in onPlaceholderClick to activate placeholder on click |
SearchList | Used in onPlaceholderClick to deactivate placeholder on click |
Component | Description |
Filters (multiple) | Used in multiple handle filter change helpers to handle individual filter property changes |
Form (multiple) | Used to set default filters for handling adding course to the current or future year |
Component | Description |
PrereqDisplay | Used in updateInspected to handle inspecting prereqs of a course in order of inspection |
Component | Description |
SisCourse | Used in getPrevCourseButton to go back to the last previously inspected course while inspecting prereqs |
Selector | Property |
selectYear | searchTime.searchYear |
selectSemester | searchTime.searchSemester |
selectSearchterm | searchTerm |
selectSearchStatus | searching |
selectSearchFilters | filters |
selectRetrievedCourses | retrievedCourses |
selectInspectedCourse | inspectedCourse |
selectPlaceholder | placeholder |
selectSearchStack | searchStack |
selectVersion | inspectedVersion |
Component | Description |
Search | Used in getYearName to display the correct searching year |
PrereqDisplay | Used in getYearById to generate year objects |
Form | Used in getYearVal to get the search year if possible |
CourseDisplay | Used in getYear to get the search year if possible |
SisCourse | Used as the value of the year select input |
Component | Description |
Search | Used to display the semester current being searched in |
PrereqDisplay | Used in getNonStringPrereq to check prereqs |
Form | Used to set default filters and update filters based on semester |
CourseDisplay | Used in updateDistributions in the body of the post request as the term property |
SisCourse | Used in handleYearChange to update search semester and for semester selection dropdown |
Component | Description |
Form | Used in many places as the user query to search |
Component | Description |
CourseList | Used as a useEffect dependency for rendering years and their courses |
index | Used as a condition for rendering Search component popup |
Placeholder | Used as a condition showing addCourse helper button |
Component | Description |
Filters | Used in many places to access and display properties of current search filters |
Form | Used in many places to filter search logic based on properties |
SearchList | Used to update pagination based on filtered results |
Component | Description |
SearchList | Used in many places, processed with filters to display search results |
Component | Description |
PrereqDisplay | Used in updateInspected as a condition to updating the search stack for prereqs |
CourseEvalSection | Used in useEffect for updating course evals whenever a new course is inspected, and as a condition for fetching |
SisCourse | Used in many places to determine if certain actions are valid (such as switching target semester for adding a course) |
Component | Description |
CourseList | Used as a useEffect dependency for generating and updating year and course displays |
Semester | Used in updateDistributions to update distributions |
SearchList | Used in onPlaceholderClick to display add placeholder menu |
CourseDisplayPopup | Used in addCourse to update distribution bars after adding a course |
CourseDisplay | Used in updateDistributions to update distribution bars after adding a course |
PlaceHolder | Used as a condition for updating placeholder information |
Component | Description |
SisCourse | Used as a condition for display UI such as addPrereq and previousCourse buttons |
Component | Description |
Semester | Used in many places to update the semesters and distributions |
CourseDisplayPopup | Used in many places to display information about the correctly versioned course |
PrereqDisplay | Used in many places to display information about the correctly versioned course |
CourseCard | Used as a condition for showing a clickable course card |
CourseDisplay | Used in many places to display information about the correctly versioned course |
CourseVersion | Used in many places to display information about the correctly versioned course |
Placeholder | Used to regenerate placeholder information |
SisCourse | Used as a condition for certain functionality, such as course adding |